
Bear hunts take place in our 275,000 acre Bear Managment Areas

road to horwood lake lodge in the early fall

Bear Hunting

We pride ourselves on our high success rate and feel it is due to both our regimented annual baiting patterns – starting in the Spring and continuing through the Fall, along with our management of the resource, only taking a limited number of hunters each season allowing our bear population to increase each year.

black bear hunting in northern ontario at horwood lake lodge
Black bear hunting in northern ontario at horwood lake lodge

Our new stationary ladder stands are constructed of lumber and very secure. Most stands are within 20 minutes from the Lodge, so you don’t have to spend hours travelling to and from your stand each day. We have several baits accessible by 2 wheel drive vehicles and some baits are accessible by ATV and some by boat only, so bringing your ATV’s is a great asset to your wilderness experience!

When it is time to hunt, you follow your guide to your stand. We do not want you to add any extra scent or change our feeding habits due to the fact that this could shut the bait down.

Important Information

  • Review our What to Bring on Your Bear Hunt blog post.

  • Please fill out the Hunter Information Form for each guest and send with your deposit.

  • You will need to fill out the Firearms Declaration Form, if transporting firearms into Canada.

  • Please bring your own safety harness and seat cushion, for safety and comfort.

  • Blaze orange vest and cap is mandatory to wear when travelling to and from your stand.

  • Bow hunters must not use mechanical broad heads. Use heavy grain, 3 or 4 blade fixed broad heads only.

After checking in and obtaining your hunting license, you will attend our Saturday evening hunter orientation meeting, where you will meet your hosts, management team and guides. You will learn how we operate our hunt and together choose a hunt location. We will then go over the scenarios and hunting regulations to prepare for the next day’s hunt.

You will be guided to your stand daily, guaranteeing that you will be hunting over an active bait that we have been baiting for 6 – 8 weeks prior to your arrival.

Moose Hunting Northern Ontario Horwood Lake Lodge

You can be assured we keep track and scout our local moose population to show you the best places to hunt where they frequent.

Moose Hunting

The adult male moose can weigh up to 1000 pounds, making this a very exciting rifle hunt! Up close and personal this is a heart pumping experience you will receive while hunting these magnificent animals while they are in full rut.

Moose Hunting Northern Ontario Horwood Lake Lodge
Moose Hunting Northern Ontario Horwood Lake Lodge

Important Information

  • Review our What to Bring on Your Moose Hunt blog post.

  • Please fill out the  Hunter Information Form for each guest and send with your deposit.

  • You will need to fill out the Firearms Declaration Form, if transporting firearms into Canada.

  • Non resident extra hunters will be issued a calf moose tag.

  • Blaze orange must be worn. A hat and vest meet the minimum requirement.

  • When hunting in a party, any member of the party may shoot the adult moose.

Following our instructions will help make this an exciting and successful Fall hunt. We begin scouting mid Summer, always following the moose in their routines. With the information we gather, we choose and suggest the best locations to increase your success.

Because of the amount of meat that comes from one of these animals, most people choose to hunt in a group. Hunting in a group will also increase your chances of success. For this reason, we have included extra hunter prices which will bring the cost of your group’s total to a reasonable rate.

Literally hundreds of miles of unused and overgrown logging roads wind their way throughout our area, making it one of the best grouse hunting areas anywhere.

Hunting Northern Ontario Horwood Lake Lodge
Grouse hunting horwood lake lodge northern ontario ontario Canada

Grouse Hunting

Our forest consisting of aspen, spruce and birch is a prime natural habitat for grouse, producing our large population. Ruffed and Spruce Grouse are abundant throughout our area, so there is no need for you to hunt the same area as someone else.

An ATV can get you deep into the forest quicker but they are not necessary as you can use any vehicle to take you to your hunting area for theses birds.

Upon arrival, get settled in, our guide will give you a comprehensive orientation to our area and explain the best way to hunt our grouse.

Depending on your capabilities and vehicles to be used, our guide will suggest the best hunting area for you. The best time of day to hunt is early morning and just before dusk – so there is plenty of time to wet a line and enjoy some great fall fishing too!